How to Collect Your Pangolin (PNG) Airdrop | Cryptocurrencies

Trust me when I say, I don’t normally blog about Cryptocurrencies, but I feel the need to write about this because of how difficult this actually is. I want people to know how to collect your PNG token airdrops in the most efficient way because it is mighty difficult if you ask me!

PNG Pangolin Airdrop.png

These are the EXACT steps to do it, so do it in the steps I describe and I promise you that this is definitely the easiest and simplest to understand way to get your PNG airdrop. I’m going to just tell you the exact steps and I won’t be explaining what they mean, so this is just a simple way to claim your PNG tokens.

I took a few images and information from this link here, which is the official resource about claiming PNG tokens.

Important: There is a hard deadline of 1 month after launch (I can’t find the exact launch date but I believe it is Feb 10), so make sure you claim before March just in case!

Step 1: Check Your Eligibility

Trust me when I say you don’t want to run circles all over the place and find out you are not eligible for the airdrop. So step 1 is to check whether you are eligible for the airdrop in the first place.

What you want to do is to click on this link and scroll down. You’ll reach number 9 in the contract and submit your ERC-20 contract address. It will show the following text:

[ withdrawAmount method Response ]


(uint96) : 0] 

Where the 0 is, if there is any number - most likely some really long number - then you are eligible for the airdrop. Most likely, the number will start with 76 (but some people have 10, etc.). Ultimately this means you are eligible for 76 PNG tokens on the Avalanche network.

I believe the criteria for claiming PNG tokens is as long as you have 1 UNI or SUSHI token on the December 7 2020 snapshot.

Step 2: Buy AVAX

What you want to do now is to buy some AVAX. I personally recommend using Binance (that’s my personal choice). I would say get around 3 AVAX just in case you make some mistakes along the way. You can’t buy AVAX on Uniswap, etc. but you can check here if you want to see what exchanges offer AVAX. (Binance, Huobi and a few others offer it)

If you’re not already on Binance and want to use it, use my Referral Link here! You’ll get a 10% kicker and I’ll get a 10% commission if you signup through that link.

Step 3: Make an Avalanche Wallet

Head over to the avalanche wallet website. You can click here to access it. Make an Avalanche wallet and write down your secret words.

Step 4: Send AVAX From Exchange to Avalanche Wallet

On your Avalanche wallet, you’ll find a wallet address starting with “"x-avax1". Copy that and make sure it’s the right address and send your AVAX from the exchange to your Avalanche wallet. It usually takes a few minutes and after that, you need to go to your Avalanche wallet and click on the Cross Chain tab.

For your source chain you want to select “X Chain (Exchange)” and for the destination chain you want to select “C Chain (Contract)”. Select the maximum amount and click confirm and send.

Step 5: Set up your Metamask wallet

I’m just going to assume you already use Metamask here. What you want to do is for the address(es) that are eligible, click on the “Ethereum Mainnet” tab at the top of the Metamask interface. Next, click “Custom RPC”.

Enter the following details in the fields:

Network Name: Avalanche Network

  • New RPC URL:

  • ChainID: 0xa86a

  • Symbol: AVAX

  • Explorer:

Once added, go under assets and scroll to the bottom and click “Add Token”, then go to “Custom Token”.

Use the following details:

Token Contract Address: 0x60781C2586D68229fde47564546784ab3fACA982

  • Token Symbol: PNG

Step 6: Send Your AVAX from your Avalanche Wallet to Metamask Wallet

Now on the Avalanche wallet interface, go to the “Send” tab and select C Contract as your source chain. Send all your AVAX to your ERC-20 Wallet Address for your Metamask and you should receive it in a couple of minutes. IMPORTANT: everything on the Avalanche network needs to have AT LEAST 470 gas. If you don’t, the transaction will fail. Just use 470 gas for all transactions. This advice is applicable THROUGHOUT if you get failed transactions when using Metamask for this.

Step 7: Convert AVAX to Equivalent of 1 UNI/SUSHI on the Pangolin Exchange

Click here to get to the Pangolin exchange and connect to Metamask on the Avalanche network. You need to have at least 1 UNI/SUSHI in your Avalanche wallet in order to collect the Airdrop, so go ahead and convert some AVAX to 1 UNI (this is why a bit of extra AVAX is good because it is also how you pay for transactions on the network).

Note: common problem here is that transactions aren’t going through when you use the Pangolin exchange. If a transaction doesn’t appear on the explorer within a minute - go to metamask settings —> advanced —> reset metamask. Clear transactions on Pangolin and then up the gas. It should work from there.

Step 8: Collect the Airdrop

Go over to the Airdrop panel on Pangolin and collect your Airdrop of what should be 76 Pangolin tokens.

Note: If you like the idea of PNG and Avalanche as a whole, stop here and wait for the appreciation of value.

Step 9: Swap the UNI back to AVAX

Just go back to the Swap page and swap UNI back to AVAX (you have to approve and then send, etc.) just like Uniswap.

Step 10: Swap the PNG to AVAX

Same as above.

Step 11: Send your AVAX over to your Avalanche Wallet

This is the part where you basically go the reverse direction of what you did earlier.

You’re going to want to send all the AVAX (using 470 gas of course) to your Avalanche wallet. Make sure that you’re sending it to your C Wallet (basically the one that starts with 0x).

Step 12: Cross Chain Tab

You need to go to your Avalanche wallet and click on the Cross Chain tab.

For your source chain you want to select “C Chain (Contract)” and for the destination chain you want to select “X Chain (Exchange)”. Select the maximum amount and click confirm and send.

Step 13: Find the Deposit Address on Your Exchange of Choice

Find the deposit address for your exchange of choice for AVAX token and then go to the Send tab on your Avalanche wallet. Select X Chain (Exchange) and then input the wallet address and use maximum amount and voila, your AVAX is on an exchange and you can swap it to whatever you want.

IMPORTANT: Initially I was trying to use the bridge between Avalanche and Ethereum networks. Trust me, NOT WORTH IT. The fees are a lot. This way is a lot more efficient in order to get your Airdrop in and out whilst minimising gas fees, etc. However, if you have an easier way to do it, feel free to comment in the section below!